February 18, 2012

Organising sermon preparation - Step 2: Memorisation

Organising sermon preparation
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The second thing I think you should organise in your sermon preparation is making time to memorise the text you will be preaching from.

I always have a go at memorising the text each week as I have found it most helpful in getting very familiar with the text.

How do you memorise the text?  Each day I prepare the sermon, I read through the passage twice with a card blocking the next line as I work through it.  Towards the end of the week I should be getting better and better at knowing the text off by heart.

I also have repeating events on my calendars to remind me to memorise it twice each day.

Some other tips on memorisation:
- Memorise from the translation you're preaching from;
- Memorise from the actual Bible you will be preaching from (this helps when you need to refer to the text in the sermon, your eye will travel automatically to the location);
- Don't waste your hard work - integrate what you've memorised into your private memorisation revision schedule;
- Maybe get your church to join you in your memorisation as this blog suggests.

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