October 13, 2012

Embracing technology as the pastor: Leechblock

The problem with an internet connection is that there are a billion plus things you can be distracted by if you don't want to get on with your work.  This a particular struggle for a pastor because his time is mostly self directed.

Now the first line of defence against procrastination should be getting more of the fruit of the spirit - namely that fruit known as self-control.

But the Spirit does give us ways to protect ourselves for anticipated moments of weakness.

LeechBlock is just such a tool.  LeechBlock is an add-on for the web browser Firefox.  It's purpose is to limit your access to certain favourite websites, for example at certain times of day when you're supposed to be working.

Now of course there are ways to get around LeechBlock, but at least it will slow down your access to time wasters if Firefox is your favourite browser.  It will also trigger a reminder that you shouldn't be wasting your time when you may have conveniently forgotten.

If you're given to procrastination on the internet, I'd encourage you to 
read more about another Christian's experience with the program or just go and install LeechBlock straight away.

[For Chrome users, try StayFocused]

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